There are different kinds of bisexuality, as well. One typology, identified by Fritz Klein[3] identified transitional, historical, sequential, and concurrent types. Transitional bisexuality can be understood as a stage in coming out homosexual, and is primarily a behavioral reality, though attractions and fantasies can shift. Historical bisexuality is seen in the long sweep of a person's life, with greater or lesser mixes of heterosexual and homosexual components. Sequential bisexuality is also seen over a period of time, with relationships being first with one and then with the other gender. Concurrent bisexuality is the maintenance of relationships with persons of both genders at the same time.
restul: aici
am iesit eu nu stiu ce tip de bisexual in scala lui kinsley adaptata si cautam si eu ce inseamna. cred ca sunt cea mai buna dovada ca testul e stupid pt ca cel mai mult nu stiam unde sa iesit 4
Tinerețea & efervescența acesteia
Titlu: Îndrăgostiți la SeoulAutor: Sang Young ParkRating: Editura: Alice
BooksAnul aparitiei: 2024Traducere: Iolanda ProdanNumar pagini: 264ISBN:
Acum 2 zile
mai, eu una nu ma simt mai luminata dupa ce am citit articolul respectiv, habar nu am ce e scala lui Kinsley ( in sensul ca am auzit de ea, dar nu stiam ca exista un test care sa te ajute sa te pozitionezi), dar de ceva tot m-am lamurit: nu sunt concurrential bisexual, asta-i clar:)!
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